Cleansing of private parts

Cleansing private parts is a daily gesture that requires special care and attention.
The word hygiene is not simply used as a synonym for cleaning, as it has a broader meaning and includes all good practices that keep the genitals of both men and women in good health, and maintain in good working order the physiological defence mechanisms that combat the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
It is therefore important to follow a few simple hygiene rules and choose an intimate cleanser that has a suitable pH according to one’s phase of life, and is effective as well as mild.
Looking after one’s own private parts entails following some simple measures:
- Wash morning and night with a special intimate hygiene cleanser with a physiological pH;
- Dilute the cleanser in water;
- Wash with movements that move from the vagina towards the anus and not vice-versa to prevent the germs from the anal area spreading to the vaginal area which could cause possible infections;
- Dry the area thoroughly: humidity favours the proliferation of bacteria. Use personal towels to dry yourself and change them often, as they can be receptacle, vehicle and reservoir of many germs;
- Wash more often during the monthly cycle, after sexual intercourse, after practicing sport and frequenting saunas or swimming pools; i.e. after all activities that increase sweating and make you more vulnerable to infections;
- Use cotton underwear which allows the skin to breathe and avoid excessively tight clothing as they increase the degree of humidity and, consequently, the risk of infections;
- During monthly cycles, change your pad or tampon often (at least every four hours) in order to prevent blood residues (perfect terrain for germs) from stagnating in contact with the vaginal mucous;
- Finally, during menopause it is important to constantly moisturise the vagina with gel lubricants to combat the increased dryness of the vaginal mucous.
The choice of the intimate cleanser is therefore very important in order to ensure proper hygiene of the genitals and keep them healthy.
A good intimate cleanser must have a balanced pH in relation to one’s private parts and must not contain substances that can cause irritation or allergies, such as nickel.
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